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Stripe v2 Now Available on Rex: Upgrade Your Payment Game

Stripe v2 is now live on Rex, bringing you smarter fraud protection, flexible membership management, and seamless in-person payments—find out how it can transform your venue’s payment experience!

We’re excited to announce that Stripe v2 is now integrated with Rex! This upgrade is packed with features that will make managing payments smoother, safer, and more flexible for your activity venue. If you’re looking to streamline your payment processes and offer a better experience for your customers, here’s what Stripe v2 brings to the table.

1. Better Security with Stripe v2

When it comes to handling payments, security is a big deal. Stripe v2 steps up with some impressive improvements:

Advanced Fraud Protection

Stripe v2 uses advanced fraud prevention tools backed by machine learning. This means it’s better at spotting suspicious transactions and keeping your payments secure. The system learns and adapts to new fraud patterns, reducing the chances of fraudulent charges slipping through.

Stronger Tokenization and Encryption

Stripe v2 enhances how it protects payment data with improved tokenization and encryption. Tokenization replaces sensitive information with secure tokens that are useless if intercepted. Encryption keeps data safe while it’s being transmitted. Together, these measures make your customers' payment information much harder to steal.

Fewer Payment Failures

Payment failures can be frustrating for both you and your customers. Stripe v2 improves authentication processes, which helps reduce the number of failed transactions due to authentication issues. This means fewer hiccups and a smoother payment experience for everyone.

2. Easy Membership Subscription Management

Managing memberships can be tricky, but Stripe v2 makes it a lot easier with new features:

Customizable Plans

Stripe v2 lets you create subscription plans that fit your venue’s needs. Whether you offer monthly, or yearly memberships, you can set up various pricing options and discounts. This flexibility helps attract and retain more members.

Phased Billing

With phased billing, you can offer flexible payment plans that suit your members’ preferences. This could mean introductory offers that gradually increase in price or allowing members to pay upfront for longer periods with added benefits. It’s a great way to manage your cash flow and appeal to a wider audience.

3. Smooth In-Person Payments with the Host App

Stripe v2 also improves how you handle in-person payments:

Physical Stripe Terminals

Now you can accept in-person payments using Stripe Terminals with the Host App. Whether you’re at an event check-in or running a concession stand, you can process credit card transactions through insert, tap, or swipe methods. This makes on-site payments quick and easy.

Streamlined Checkout

The integration between Stripe v2 and the Host App ensures that in-person payments are handled efficiently. This setup speeds up transactions and reduces manual errors, making for a more professional and hassle-free checkout experience for your customers.


Stripe v2 brings a bunch of great features to Rex that make payment processing safer, more flexible, and easier for your venue. With better security, customizable membership plans, and improved in-person payment options, this upgrade is designed to enhance both your operations and your customers’ experiences.

Ready to get started? Contact our support team today to make the switch and start enjoying the benefits of Stripe v2. We’re excited to help you elevate your payment experience!

Thank you for choosing Rex. We can’t wait for you to see what Stripe v2 can do for your venue.

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